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Please select category below, for recent thought-leadership articles:

Future & Humanity

Education & Information Strategy

Digital & Technology

Economy, Business & Commerce

Leadership & Governance

Strategy, Innovation & Creativity


During the last 18-years Déborah has amassed over 200,000 subscribers (including c-suite leaders and professionals at government ministries and departments, academia and FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies and organisations around the globe). She has also been a columnist for a magazine and written articles features in IBM Future Focus  and The Telegraph Business Club.


From the Archive

IBM Future Focus, Telegraph Business Club, and MarketingWeek 2009

E-Business Evolution White Paper (PDF 542KB) - The Past, Present and Future of E-Business (Contributor: White paper featuring Déborah's insights and articles from leaders at John Lewis, J.P. Morgan, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Cancer Research UK and Linden Labs) - The paper and elements in the paper were featured in Telegraph Business Club, IBM Future Focus, and MarketingWeek.

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